
Stock Charts, Performance & Trend Analysis for ADXN
Addex Therapeutics Ltd

Year-to-Date: -100.0%
This Week: -100.0%
ADXN Stock Charts
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Year-to-Date (YTD) Return: -100%
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Long Term Trend: Not Good
Medium Term Trend: Deteriorating
Short Term Trend: Very Good
Overall Trend Score:
22 Out Of 100
Bottomline: Bearish to Neutral Trend

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December 14, 2024 - The year-to-date (YTD) return or performance of Addex (ADXN) is down -100% and is underperforming the overall stock market by -100%.

Recently, the weekly return of Addex (ADXN) is down -100% and is underperforming the overall market by -100%.

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Although long and mid term trends for Addex Therapeutics Ltd are not good, the short term trends are improving.

The overall 12Stocks.com Smart Investing & Trading Score is 22 (measures stock trend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) which puts ADXN in short term bearish to neutral trend.

The Smart Investing & Trading Score from previous trading session is 27 and a deterioration of trend continues. Scroll down for key technical charts, support & resistance levels and analysis for Addex.

Stock Analysis for ADXN
Name: Addex Therapeutics Ltd
Sector: Health Care
SubSector: Biotechnology
In A Glance
Addex (ADXN) Stock Performance and Technical Trend Chart View
ADXN Recent Price: 10.65    
MarketCap: 46469.2 Millions
Day Percent Change: -5.75%
Day Change: -0.65
Week Change: -100%
Year-to-date Change: -100%
Weekly ADXN Technical Chart

Daily ADXN Technical Chart
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Short Term Trend Analysis for ADXN
22 / 100
The current technical trend score is 22 in a scale where 0 is bearish and 100 is bullish.
The technical trend score from previous session is 22.
Trend score updated daily. Not to be used for investing.

Stocks Similar To Addex

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Compare ADXN's Trend (22) with trends of related stocks
Pliant 51
Annexon 73
Athira Pharma 73
Greenwich Life 50
Taysha Gene 25
Acutus 51
Calliditas 51
Renalytix AI 0
PainReform 22
Biodesix 51
Vivos 63
Genetron 51

The table below shows stocks similar to Addex Therapeutics Ltd, i.e, from same subsector or sector along with year-to-date (-100% YTD), weekly (-100%) & daily performaces for comparison. Usually, stocks from similar sector tend to move together but companies that have innovative products, services or good management tend to outperform. Compare 12Stocks.com Smart Investing & Trading Scores to see which stocks in this sector are trending better currently. Click on ticker or stock name for detailed view (place cursor on ticker or stock name to view charts quickly). Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist.
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TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceSmart Investing & Trading Score
[0 to 100]
Change %Weekly Change%YTD Change%
PLRXPliant  Biotechnology33.0951-16.73-100.0-100.00%
ANNXAnnexon  Biotechnology29.1173-3.19-100.0-100.00%
ATHAAthira Pharma Biotechnology22.06735.60-100.0-100.00%
GLSIGreenwich Life Biotechnology31.3350-3.98-100.0-100.00%
TSHATaysha Gene Biotechnology25.5925-4.76-100.0-100.00%
ALGSAligos  Biotechnology28.74612.42-100.0-100.00%
FHTXFoghorn  Biotechnology16.46730.98-100.0-100.00%
TARSTarsus  Biotechnology36.2530-3.49-100.0-100.00%
PSTXPoseida  Biotechnology11.0417-7.30-100.0-100.00%
FRLNFreeline  Biotechnology14.9144-1.459,999.0-100.00%
INZYInozyme Pharma Biotechnology20.0056-4.26-100.0-100.00%
FUSNFusion  Biotechnology11.6846-2.679,999.0-100.00%
ADXNAddex  Biotechnology10.6522-5.75-100.0-100.00%
SPRBSpruce  Biotechnology20.9032-1.46-100.0-100.00%
IVAInventiva S.A Biotechnology15.0037-3.47-100.0-100.00%
GLTOGalecto  Biotechnology10.3925-11.80-100.0-100.00%
CERTCertara  Biotechnology34.65225.10-100.0-100.00%
PTPIPetros  Biotechnology3.3327-4.03-100.0-100.00%
ADTXADiTx  Biotechnology3.0335-3.50-100.0-100.00%
PYPDPolyPid  Biotechnology11.16102.86-100.0-100.00%
IMNMImmunome  Biotechnology39.58513.50-100.0-100.00%
LYRALyra  Biotechnology14.92256.57-100.0-100.00%
LTRNLantern Pharma Biotechnology17.77375.33-100.0-100.00%
ITOSiTeos  Biotechnology41.5873-0.50-100.0-100.00%
LNSRLENSAR  Healthcare9.0440-0.11-100.0-100.00%
AFIBAcutus  Healthcare20.7651-0.679,999.0-100.00%
CALTCalliditas  Healthcare28.0751-2.67-100.0-100.00%
RNLXRenalytix AI Healthcare22.800-2.15-100.0-100.00%
PRFXPainReform  Healthcare6.49223.02-100.0-100.00%
BDSXBiodesix  Healthcare19.74512.76-100.0-100.00%
VVOSVivos  Healthcare7.5163-0.40-100.0-100.00%

Technical Levels: For the trading inclined, the following are the key levels of resistance (ceiling) and support (floor) for ADXN. Ceiling and floor levels are stock prices at which the stock trend gets resistance or support respectively. Stocks & their trends tend to pause at these levels and hence traders have an eye on them.

Long term levels are more important. Stocks that have broken thru their resistance or support levels convincingly tend to have stronger trends (confirm with charts above visually).
Key Technical Levels for ADXN
 Short TermWeeklyLong Term
Resistance (Ceiling)08.148.49
Support (Floor)07.247.2

Addex Therapeutics Ltd
Relative performance of Addex Therapeutics Ltd Compared to Overall Market
How is ADXN faring versus the market [S&P 500] ? Is it lagging or leading ? How is its relative performance ?
Symbol Day Change Week Change Year-to-Date Change
SPY % % %
ADXN -5.75% -100% -100%

ADXN Chart

S&P 500 (Market) Chart
Year to date returns, ADXN is underperforming the market by -100%
This week, ADXN is underperforming the market by -100%

Performance of Addex Therapeutics Ltd vs Health Care ETF RELATIVE PERFORMANCE OF
Addex Therapeutics Ltd
Health Care Sector
Let us compare apples to apples and compare performance of ADXN with its sector ETF (contains basket of stocks of same sector) XLV [] ?
Symbol Day Change Week Change Year-to-Date Change
XLV % % %
ADXN -5.75% -100% -100%

ADXN Chart

Health Care Chart
Year to date, ADXN is underperforming Health Care sector by -100%
This week, ADXN is underperforming Health Care sector by -100%

List Of ETF Funds Related To Addex Therapeutics Ltd

The table below shows ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) similar to Addex Therapeutics Ltd, i.e, from same sector along with year-to-date (YTD), weekly & daily performaces for comparison. Usually, ETFs and associated stocks from similar sector tend to move together but companies that have innovative products, services or good management tend to outperform. Move mouse or cursor over ETF symbol to view short-term technical chart and over ETF name to view long term chart. Click on to add ETF symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist.
TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceChange %Weekly Change%YTD Change%
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