
Best Mexico Stocks

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12Stocks.com Mexico Stocks Performances & Trends Daily
July 27, 2024 - All the three primary trends (long term, mid-term and short term) for Mexico index are faltering.

The overall market intelligence score is 10 (0-bearish to 100-bullish) which puts Mexico index in short term bearish trend.

The market intelligence score from previous trading session is 18 and a deterioration of trend continues.

 Year To Date Performance: -16.55 %
 Weekly Performance: -3.36 %
 Daily Performance: 0.21 %
Short Term Trend for EWW
10 / 100
Here are the market intelligence trend scores of the most requested Mexico stocks at 12Stocks.com (click stock name for detailed review):

Scroll down this page for most comprehensive review of Mexico stocks by performance, trends, technical analysis, charts, fund plays & more

12Stocks.com: Top Performing Mexico Index Stocks
Hot Mexico Stocks of 2024 We try to spot trends by analyzing the performances of various stocks or components within Mexico Index and try to find best performing stocks. The movers and shakers. The winners and losers.

The top performing Mexico Index stocks year to date are
Grupo Aeroportuario[3%] Coca-Cola FEMSA[-7%] Grupo Aeroportuario[-9%]
America Movil[-9%] Ready [-9%] Grupo Simec[-10%]
Mexico Equity[-14%] Fomento Economico[-16%] CEMEX S.A.B.[-17%]
Grupo Aeroportuario[-18%] Vesta Financials[-26%] Controladora Vuela[-31%]
View complete list of Mexico stocks by year-to-date performance

Now, more recently, over last week, the top performing Mexico Index stocks on the move are
CEMEX S.A.B.[4.4%] Controladora Vuela[3.9%] Ready [-0.4%]
Coca-Cola FEMSA[-0.7%] Grupo Aeroportuario[-1.1%] Grupo Aeroportuario[-1.5%]
Mexico Equity[-1.7%] Grupo Aeroportuario[-2.1%] America Movil[-3.7%]
Vesta Financials[-4.4%] Fomento Economico[-5.8%] Grupo Simec[-6.3%]
View complete list of Mexico stocks by weekly performance

Unfortunately not all Mexico stocks have done well this year. Investors of these stocks hope they have seen the worst and hope that these stocks are set to bounce back. The bearish stocks in this index year to date (YTD) are
Grupo Televisa[-33%] Controladora Vuela[-31%] Vesta Financials[-26%]
Grupo Aeroportuario[-18%] CEMEX S.A.B.[-17%] Fomento Economico[-16%]
Mexico Equity[-14%] Grupo Simec[-10%] Ready [-9%]
America Movil[-9%] Grupo Aeroportuario[-9%] Coca-Cola FEMSA[-7%]
Investors can get enhanced performance by riding the current stock trends. Using complex algorithms, 12Stocks.com has come up with market intelligence scores (on 0-bearish to 100-bullish scale) to identify best trending stocks. Top trending Mexico stocks are
Ready [76] Controladora Vuela[52] CEMEX S.A.B.[42]
Coca-Cola FEMSA[39] Grupo Aeroportuario[32] Grupo Aeroportuario[25]
Grupo Aeroportuario[25] Mexico Equity[18] Fomento Economico[15]
Grupo Televisa[10] Vesta Financials[10] Grupo Simec[0]
View complete list of Mexico stocks by 12Stocks.com trends

12Stocks.com: Investing in Mexico Index with Stocks
The following table helps investors and traders sort through current performance and trends (as measured by market intelligence score) of various stocks in the Mexico Index.

Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over stock symbol (ticker) to view short-term technical chart and over stock name to view long term chart. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist. Click on any ticker or stock name for detailed market intelligence report for that stock.

12Stocks.com Performance of Stocks in Mexico Index

TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceMarket Intelligence ScoreChange %YTD Change%
AMXAmerica Movil Technology16.900-1.17%-8.75%
FMXFomento Economico Consumer Staples109.57151.20%-15.94%
TVGrupo Televisa Services & Goods2.23100.00%-33.23%
PACGrupo Aeroportuario Transports160.30251.38%-8.52%
CXCEMEX S.A.B. Industrials6.42420.78%-17.16%
ASRGrupo Aeroportuario Transports304.10320.31%3.34%
VTMXVesta Financials Financials29.2610-2.47%-26.42%
KOFCoca-Cola FEMSA Consumer Staples87.75393.33%-7.28%
SIMGrupo Simec Materials28.2000.00%-9.53%
OMABGrupo Aeroportuario Transports69.33250.13%-18.08%
VLRSControladora Vuela Transports6.45521.57%-31.24%
RCReady  Financials9.32762.08%-9.07%
MXEMexico Equity Financials9.59181.43%-14.38%
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Performance: Year-to-date, Week and Day
Detailed Overview Of Mexico Stocks
Mexico Technical Overview, Leaders & Laggards, Top Mexico ETF Funds & Detailed Mexico Stocks List, Charts, Trends & More

Mexico: Technical Analysis, Trends & YTD Performance

EWW Weekly Chart
Long Term Trend: Not Good
Medium Term Trend: Not Good

EWW Daily Chart
Short Term Trend: Not Good
Overall Trend Score: 10
YTD Performance: -16.55%
**Trend Scores & Views Are Only For Educational Purposes And Not For Investing

12Stocks.com: Investing in Mexico Index using Exchange Traded Funds
The following table shows list of key exchange traded funds (ETF) that help investors play Mexico stock market. For detailed view, check out our ETF Funds section of our website.

Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over ETF symbol (ticker) to view short-term technical chart and over ETF name to view long term chart. Click on ticker or stock name for detailed view. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist.

12Stocks.com List of ETFs that track Mexico Index

TickerETF NameWatchlistRecent PriceMarket Intelligence ScoreChange %Week %Year-to-date %
EWWMexico  56.62100.21-3.36-16.55%
ILFLatin America 40 24.90170.52-2.51-14.32%
 Market Intelligence Score (0-Bearish to 100-Bullish)
12Stocks.com: Charts, Trends, Fundamental Data and Performances of Mexico Stocks
We now take in-depth look at all Mexico stocks including charts, multi-period performances and overall trends (as measured by market intelligence score).

One can sort Mexico stocks (click link to choose) by Daily, Weekly and by Year-to-Date performances. Also, one can sort by size of the company or by market capitalization.
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Click on stock symbol or name for detailed view. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist. Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over "Daily" to quickly view daily technical stock chart and over "Weekly" to view weekly technical stock chart.

Stock Chart of America Movil, S.A.B. de C.V.AMX America Movil, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Wireless Communications
MarketCap: 44726.6 Millions
Recent Price: 16.90    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: -1.17%    
Day Change: -0.20
Week Change: -3.7%    
Year-to-date Change: -8.8%
AMX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Fomento Economico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V.FMX Fomento Economico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Consumer Staples
SubSector: Beverages - Brewers
MarketCap: 22018.7 Millions
Recent Price: 109.57    
Market Intelligence Score: 15
Day Percent Change: 1.20%    
Day Change: 1.30
Week Change: -5.79%    
Year-to-date Change: -15.9%
FMX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.TV Grupo Televisa, S.A.B.
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Broadcasting - TV
MarketCap: 3740.43 Millions
Recent Price: 2.23    
Market Intelligence Score: 10
Day Percent Change: 0.00%    
Day Change: 0.00
Week Change: -7.47%    
Year-to-date Change: -33.2%
TV Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico, S.A.B. de C.V.PAC Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Transports
SubSector: Air Services, Other
MarketCap: 3204.18 Millions
Recent Price: 160.30    
Market Intelligence Score: 25
Day Percent Change: 1.38%    
Day Change: 2.18
Week Change: -1.48%    
Year-to-date Change: -8.5%
PAC Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.CX CEMEX, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Industrials
SubSector: Cement
MarketCap: 2948.23 Millions
Recent Price: 6.42    
Market Intelligence Score: 42
Day Percent Change: 0.78%    
Day Change: 0.05
Week Change: 4.39%    
Year-to-date Change: -17.2%
CX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S. A. B. de C. V.ASR Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S. A. B. de C. V.
Sector: Transports
SubSector: Air Services, Other
MarketCap: 2739.98 Millions
Recent Price: 304.10    
Market Intelligence Score: 32
Day Percent Change: 0.31%    
Day Change: 0.93
Week Change: -1.08%    
Year-to-date Change: 3.3%
ASR Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Vesta Financials Corp SAB de CVVTMX Vesta Financials Corp SAB de CV
Sector: Financials
SubSector: REIT - Industrial
MarketCap: 2270 Millions
Recent Price: 29.26    
Market Intelligence Score: 10
Day Percent Change: -2.47%    
Day Change: -0.74
Week Change: -4.41%    
Year-to-date Change: -26.4%
VTMX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. de C.V.KOF Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Consumer Staples
SubSector: Beverages - Soft Drinks
MarketCap: 2258.9 Millions
Recent Price: 87.75    
Market Intelligence Score: 39
Day Percent Change: 3.33%    
Day Change: 2.83
Week Change: -0.67%    
Year-to-date Change: -7.3%
KOF Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Grupo Simec, S.A.B. de C.V.SIM Grupo Simec, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Materials
SubSector: Steel & Iron
MarketCap: 1418.28 Millions
Recent Price: 28.20    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: 0.00%    
Day Change: 0.00
Week Change: -6.31%    
Year-to-date Change: -9.5%
SIM Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte, S.A.B. de C.V.OMAB Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Transports
SubSector: Air Services, Other
MarketCap: 1196.38 Millions
Recent Price: 69.33    
Market Intelligence Score: 25
Day Percent Change: 0.13%    
Day Change: 0.09
Week Change: -2.09%    
Year-to-date Change: -18.1%
OMAB Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Controladora Vuela Compania de Aviacion, S.A.B. de C.V.VLRS Controladora Vuela Compania de Aviacion, S.A.B. de C.V.
Sector: Transports
SubSector: Major Airlines
MarketCap: 382 Millions
Recent Price: 6.45    
Market Intelligence Score: 52
Day Percent Change: 1.57%    
Day Change: 0.10
Week Change: 3.86%    
Year-to-date Change: -31.2%
VLRS Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Ready Capital CorporationRC Ready Capital Corporation
Sector: Financials
SubSector: Mortgage Investment
MarketCap: 358.039 Millions
Recent Price: 9.32    
Market Intelligence Score: 76
Day Percent Change: 2.08%    
Day Change: 0.19
Week Change: -0.43%    
Year-to-date Change: -9.1%
RC Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Mexico Equity & Income Fund Inc.MXE Mexico Equity & Income Fund Inc.
Sector: Financials
SubSector: Asset Management
MarketCap: 34.6203 Millions
Recent Price: 9.59    
Market Intelligence Score: 18
Day Percent Change: 1.43%    
Day Change: 0.13
Week Change: -1.74%    
Year-to-date Change: -14.4%
MXE Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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