
Stock Charts, Performance & Trend Analysis for AMZN
Amazon.com, Inc.

Year-to-Date: 20.19%
This Week: -0.28%
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Get Another Stock Trend:
Long Term Trend: Good
Medium Term Trend: Not Good
Short Term Trend: Deteriorating
Amazon.com Overall Trend Score:
36 Out Of 100
Bottomline: Bearish to Neutral Trend

July 26, 2024 - The year-to-date (YTD) return or performance of Amazon.com (AMZN) is up 20.19% and is outperforming the overall stock market by 6.5%.

Recently, the weekly return of of Amazon.com (AMZN) is down -0.28% but is outperforming the overall market by 0.23%.

Although long term trend for Amazon.com, Inc. looks good, the mid term and short term trends are faltering.

The overall 12Stocks.com Smart Investing & Trading Score is 36 (measures stock trend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) which puts AMZN in short term bearish to neutral trend.

The Smart Investing & Trading Score from previous trading session is 26 and an improvement of trend continues. Scroll down for key technical charts, support & resistance levels and analysis for Amazon.com.

Stock Analysis for AMZN
Name: Amazon.com, Inc.
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Catalog & Mail Order Houses
In A Glance
Amazon.com (AMZN) Stock Performance and Technical Trend Chart View
AMZN Recent Price: 182.61    
MarketCap: 98726.27 Millions
Day Percent Change: 1.53%
Day Change: 2.76
Week Change: -0.28%
Year-to-date Change: 20.19%
Weekly AMZN Technical Chart

Daily AMZN Technical Chart
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Short Term Trend Analysis for AMZN
36 / 100
The current technical trend score is 36 in a scale where 0 is bearish and 100 is bullish.
The technical trend score from previous session is 36.
Trend score updated daily. Not to be used for investing.

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