
Stock Charts, Performance & Trend Analysis for KXI
iShares Global Consumer Staples

Year-to-Date: 5.0%
This Week: 0.7%
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Year-to-Date (YTD) Return: 4.96%
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Long Term Trend: Very Good
Medium Term Trend: Very Good
Short Term Trend: Good
Overall Trend Score:
73 Out Of 100
Bottomline: Neutral to Bullish Trend

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July 27, 2024 - The year-to-date (YTD) performance of Global Consumer Staples (KXI) ETF is up 4.96% but is underperforming the overall stock market by -8.73%.

Recently, the weekly returns of Global Consumer Staples (KXI) is up 0.66% and is outperforming the overall market by 1.17%.

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All trends (long term, mid-term and short term) for iShares Global Consumer Staples looks good.

The overall 12Stocks.com Smart Investing & Trading Score is 73 (measures stock trend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) which puts KXI in short term neutral to bullish trend.

The Smart Investing & Trading Score from previous trading session is 66 and an improvement of trend continues. Scroll down for key technical charts, support & resistance levels and analysis for Global.

Stock Analysis for KXI
Name: iShares Global Consumer Staples
In A Glance
KXI Technical Trend Chart View

Daily KXI Technical Chart
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Short Term Trend Analysis for
73 / 100
The current technical trend score is 73 in a scale where 0 is bearish and 100 is bullish.
The technical trend score from previous session is 73.
Trend score updated daily. Not to be used for investing.
Recent Price: 62.23    
MarketCap: Millions
Day Percent Change: 0.96%
Day Change: 0.59
Week Change: 0.66%
Year-to-date Change: 4.96%

Technical Levels: For the trading inclined, the following are the key levels of resistance (ceiling) and support (floor) for KXI. Ceiling and floor levels are stock prices at which the stock trend gets resistance or support respectively and traders have an eye on them. Long term levels are more important. Stocks that have broken thru their resistance or supports convincingly tend to have stronger trends (confirm with charts above visually).
Key Levels for KXI
 Short TermWeeklyLong Term
Resistance (Ceiling)62.2562.6462.74
Support (Floor)61.560.9160.23

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The table below shows stocks similar to iShares Global Consumer Staples , i.e, from same subsector or sector along with year-to-date (YTD), weekly & daily performaces for comparison. Usually, stocks from similar sector tend to move together but companies that have innovative products, services or good management tend to outperform. Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over stock symbol (ticker) to view short-term technical chart and over stock name to view long term chart. Click on ticker or stock name for detailed view. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist.
TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceChange %Weekly Change%YTD Change%