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FANG (FAANG) Stocks & ETFs

This page discusses the trends, performances and technical charts of various stocks that make up the FANG.

So what are FANG stocks in the first place? FANG is an acronym given by Jim Cramer of CNBC to a group of stocks leading the next generation technology revolution. The acronym is made up from the first letter of these four stocks (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google - now called by its parent company name Alphabet).

These stocks primarily represent high growth large cap tech stocks (also, the go-to stocks of momentum traders). Since then FANG has expanded to FAANG to include Apple (some say Alibaba not Apple - take your pick).

But nowadays folks use FANG stocks to include stocks that have similar characteristics of the original four like, for instance, Nvidia.

So what are the characteristics that we look for? Answer: High growth stocks enabling next generation of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning (like self-driving cars), Robotics, Cloud based services, Block Chain, Crypto-currencies, etc.

So much so, recently an exchange traded fund FNG was launched to track FANG which is composed of 26 stocks - not just the original four!.

We launched this page as one place to easily keep track of the trends, performances and charts of all these stocks that make up FANG and more.

12Stocks.com: Investing in FAANG Stocks
The following table helps investors and traders sort through current performance and trends (as measured by market intelligence score) of various stocks in the FANG Index.

Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over stock symbol (ticker) to view short-term technical chart and over stock name to view long term chart. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist. Click on any ticker or stock name for detailed market intelligence report for that stock.

12Stocks.com Performance of Stocks in FANG Index

TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceMarket Intelligence ScoreChange %YTD Change%
AAPLApple  Technology217.96460.22%13.21%
AMZNAmazon.com  Services & Goods182.50361.47%20.11%
GOOGLAlphabet  Technology167.0026-0.17%19.55%
BABAAlibaba  Services & Goods76.53861.50%-1.26%
NFLXNetflix  Technology631.3736-0.43%29.68%
Now, Let us take a look at extended FAANG stocks - basically stocks that have similar characteristics as original FANG four. Also you can sort this page by following parameters:
Quick Read: Best FANG Index Stocks List By Performances & Trends:
Daily, Weekly, Year-to-Date, Market Cap (Size) & Technical Trends

12Stocks.com Performance of Stocks in Extended FANG Index

TickerStock NameWatchlistCategoryRecent PriceMarket Intelligence ScoreChange %YTD Change%
MSFTMicrosoft  Technology425.27361.64%13.09%
AAPLApple  Technology217.96460.22%13.21%
AMZNAmazon.com  Services & Goods182.50361.47%20.11%
GOOGLAlphabet  Technology167.0026-0.17%19.55%
BABAAlibaba  Services & Goods76.53861.50%-1.26%
INTCIntel  Technology31.35260.80%-37.61%
CSCOCisco Systems Technology47.88931.35%-5.23%
NFLXNetflix  Technology631.3736-0.43%29.68%
ADBEAdobe  Technology542.44531.93%-9.08%
NVDANVIDIA  Technology113.06360.69%128.30%
CRMsalesforce.com  Technology262.71572.41%-0.16%
PYPLPayPal  Financials58.2901.87%-5.08%
TSLATesla  Consumer Staples219.8043-0.20%-11.54%
ISRGIntuitive Surgical Health Care441.30461.04%30.81%
MUMicron  Technology109.41101.82%28.20%
SHOPShopify  Technology59.9470.84%-23.06%
ZMZoom Video Technology60.10690.82%-16.42%
BIDUBaidu  Technology88.98181.36%-25.28%
ADIAnalog Devices Technology226.43412.49%14.04%
SPOTSpotify  Services & Goods321.8888-2.15%71.29%
VEEVVeeva Systems Technology192.43643.15%-0.05%
SQSquare  Technology60.180-2.27%-22.20%
FTNTFortinet  Technology57.000-0.54%-2.61%
MCHPMicrochip  Technology86.8302.12%-3.71%
PANWPalo Alto Technology326.81432.09%10.83%
DOCUDocuSign  Technology55.91371.47%-5.95%
SNAPSnap  Technology13.330-0.89%-21.26%
TDOCTeladoc Health Technology9.37421.30%-56.52%
ZBRAZebra  Technology325.98680.48%19.26%
QRVOQorvo  Technology122.01512.81%8.35%
PTONPeloton Interactive Consumer Staples3.61384.49%-40.80%
WIXWix.com  Technology155.81410.24%26.65%
ONON Semiconductor Technology70.17233.89%-15.99%
ETSYEtsy  Services & Goods62.27423.04%-23.17%
APPFAppFolio  Technology230.9551-10.85%33.31%
CYBRCyberArk Software Technology257.68260.32%17.64%
12Stocks.com: Charts, Trends, Fundamental Data and Performances of FANG Stocks
We now take in-depth look at all FANG stocks including charts, multi-period performances and overall trends (as measured by market intelligence score).

One can sort FANG stocks (click link to choose) by Daily, Weekly and by Year-to-Date performances. Also, one can sort by size of the company or by market capitalization.
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Click on stock symbol or name for detailed view. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist. Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over "Daily" to quickly view daily technical stock chart and over "Weekly" to view weekly technical stock chart.

Stock Chart of Microsoft CorporationMSFT Microsoft Corporation
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Business Software & Services
MarketCap: 1154150 Millions
Recent Price: 425.27    
Market Intelligence Score: 36
Day Percent Change: 1.64%    
Day Change: 6.87
Week Change: -2.71%    
Year-to-date Change: 13.1%
MSFT Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Apple Inc.AAPL Apple Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Electronic Equipment
MarketCap: 1112940 Millions
Recent Price: 217.96    
Market Intelligence Score: 46
Day Percent Change: 0.22%    
Day Change: 0.47
Week Change: -2.83%    
Year-to-date Change: 13.2%
AAPL Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Amazon.com, Inc.AMZN Amazon.com, Inc.
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Catalog & Mail Order Houses
MarketCap: 998070 Millions
Recent Price: 182.50    
Market Intelligence Score: 36
Day Percent Change: 1.47%    
Day Change: 2.65
Week Change: -0.34%    
Year-to-date Change: 20.1%
AMZN Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Alphabet Inc.GOOGL Alphabet Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Internet Information Providers
MarketCap: 801264 Millions
Recent Price: 167.00    
Market Intelligence Score: 26
Day Percent Change: -0.17%    
Day Change: -0.28
Week Change: -6%    
Year-to-date Change: 19.6%
GOOGL Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Alibaba Group Holding LimitedBABA Alibaba Group Holding Limited
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Specialty Retail, Other
MarketCap: 522666 Millions
Recent Price: 76.53    
Market Intelligence Score: 86
Day Percent Change: 1.50%    
Day Change: 1.13
Week Change: 1.67%    
Year-to-date Change: -1.3%
BABA Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Intel CorporationINTC Intel Corporation
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Broad Line
MarketCap: 222357 Millions
Recent Price: 31.35    
Market Intelligence Score: 26
Day Percent Change: 0.80%    
Day Change: 0.25
Week Change: -4.94%    
Year-to-date Change: -37.6%
INTC Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Cisco Systems, Inc.CSCO Cisco Systems, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Communication Equipment
MarketCap: 168483 Millions
Recent Price: 47.88    
Market Intelligence Score: 93
Day Percent Change: 1.35%    
Day Change: 0.64
Week Change: 1.18%    
Year-to-date Change: -5.2%
CSCO Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Netflix, Inc.NFLX Netflix, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: CATV Systems
MarketCap: 162108 Millions
Recent Price: 631.37    
Market Intelligence Score: 36
Day Percent Change: -0.43%    
Day Change: -2.72
Week Change: -0.31%    
Year-to-date Change: 29.7%
NFLX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Adobe Inc.ADBE Adobe Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 157868 Millions
Recent Price: 542.44    
Market Intelligence Score: 53
Day Percent Change: 1.93%    
Day Change: 10.29
Week Change: -1.55%    
Year-to-date Change: -9.1%
ADBE Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of NVIDIA CorporationNVDA NVIDIA Corporation
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Specialized
MarketCap: 143476 Millions
Recent Price: 113.06    
Market Intelligence Score: 36
Day Percent Change: 0.69%    
Day Change: 0.78
Week Change: -4.13%    
Year-to-date Change: 128.3%
NVDA Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of salesforce.com, inc.CRM salesforce.com, inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 137120 Millions
Recent Price: 262.71    
Market Intelligence Score: 57
Day Percent Change: 2.41%    
Day Change: 6.19
Week Change: 6.09%    
Year-to-date Change: -0.2%
CRM Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of PayPal Holdings, Inc.PYPL PayPal Holdings, Inc.
Sector: Financials
SubSector: Credit Services
MarketCap: 108949 Millions
Recent Price: 58.29    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: 1.87%    
Day Change: 1.07
Week Change: -1.75%    
Year-to-date Change: -5.1%
PYPL Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Tesla, Inc.TSLA Tesla, Inc.
Sector: Consumer Staples
SubSector: Auto Manufacturers - Major
MarketCap: 89058.8 Millions
Recent Price: 219.80    
Market Intelligence Score: 43
Day Percent Change: -0.20%    
Day Change: -0.45
Week Change: -8.11%    
Year-to-date Change: -11.5%
TSLA Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Intuitive Surgical, Inc.ISRG Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
Sector: Health Care
SubSector: Medical Instruments & Supplies
MarketCap: 50917.5 Millions
Recent Price: 441.30    
Market Intelligence Score: 46
Day Percent Change: 1.04%    
Day Change: 4.56
Week Change: -3.01%    
Year-to-date Change: 30.8%
ISRG Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Micron Technology, Inc.MU Micron Technology, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor- Memory Chips
MarketCap: 45188.4 Millions
Recent Price: 109.41    
Market Intelligence Score: 10
Day Percent Change: 1.82%    
Day Change: 1.96
Week Change: -4.24%    
Year-to-date Change: 28.2%
MU Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Shopify Inc.SHOP Shopify Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 45164.2 Millions
Recent Price: 59.94    
Market Intelligence Score: 7
Day Percent Change: 0.84%    
Day Change: 0.50
Week Change: -5.1%    
Year-to-date Change: -23.1%
SHOP Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Zoom Video Communications, Inc.ZM Zoom Video Communications, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 36358.1 Millions
Recent Price: 60.10    
Market Intelligence Score: 69
Day Percent Change: 0.82%    
Day Change: 0.49
Week Change: 2.09%    
Year-to-date Change: -16.4%
ZM Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Baidu, Inc.BIDU Baidu, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Internet Information Providers
MarketCap: 33525.9 Millions
Recent Price: 88.98    
Market Intelligence Score: 18
Day Percent Change: 1.36%    
Day Change: 1.19
Week Change: -1.54%    
Year-to-date Change: -25.3%
BIDU Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Analog Devices, Inc.ADI Analog Devices, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Integrated Circuits
MarketCap: 32859 Millions
Recent Price: 226.43    
Market Intelligence Score: 41
Day Percent Change: 2.49%    
Day Change: 5.51
Week Change: -2.07%    
Year-to-date Change: 14.0%
ADI Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Spotify Technology S.A.SPOT Spotify Technology S.A.
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Broadcasting - Radio
MarketCap: 24379.5 Millions
Recent Price: 321.88    
Market Intelligence Score: 88
Day Percent Change: -2.15%    
Day Change: -7.07
Week Change: 9.08%    
Year-to-date Change: 71.3%
SPOT Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Veeva Systems Inc.VEEV Veeva Systems Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Healthcare Information Services
MarketCap: 21492.1 Millions
Recent Price: 192.43    
Market Intelligence Score: 64
Day Percent Change: 3.15%    
Day Change: 5.88
Week Change: 5.01%    
Year-to-date Change: -0.1%
VEEV Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Square, Inc.SQ Square, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Internet Software & Services
MarketCap: 19323.1 Millions
Recent Price: 60.18    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: -2.27%    
Day Change: -1.40
Week Change: -11.63%    
Year-to-date Change: -22.2%
SQ Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Fortinet, Inc.FTNT Fortinet, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 16993.8 Millions
Recent Price: 57.00    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: -0.54%    
Day Change: -0.31
Week Change: -2.53%    
Year-to-date Change: -2.6%
FTNT Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Microchip Technology IncorporatedMCHP Microchip Technology Incorporated
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Broad Line
MarketCap: 16826.3 Millions
Recent Price: 86.83    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: 2.12%    
Day Change: 1.80
Week Change: -2.19%    
Year-to-date Change: -3.7%
MCHP Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Palo Alto Networks, Inc.PANW Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Networking & Communication Devices
MarketCap: 16039.4 Millions
Recent Price: 326.81    
Market Intelligence Score: 43
Day Percent Change: 2.09%    
Day Change: 6.68
Week Change: -1.23%    
Year-to-date Change: 10.8%
PANW Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of DocuSign, Inc.DOCU DocuSign, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Business Software & Services
MarketCap: 15618.8 Millions
Recent Price: 55.91    
Market Intelligence Score: 37
Day Percent Change: 1.47%    
Day Change: 0.81
Week Change: 0.04%    
Year-to-date Change: -6.0%
DOCU Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Snap Inc.SNAP Snap Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Internet Software & Services
MarketCap: 14866.1 Millions
Recent Price: 13.33    
Market Intelligence Score: 0
Day Percent Change: -0.89%    
Day Change: -0.12
Week Change: -7.43%    
Year-to-date Change: -21.3%
SNAP Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Teladoc Health, Inc.TDOC Teladoc Health, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Healthcare Information Services
MarketCap: 11968.5 Millions
Recent Price: 9.37    
Market Intelligence Score: 42
Day Percent Change: 1.30%    
Day Change: 0.12
Week Change: 3.08%    
Year-to-date Change: -56.5%
TDOC Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Zebra Technologies CorporationZBRA Zebra Technologies Corporation
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Communication Equipment
MarketCap: 11474.9 Millions
Recent Price: 325.98    
Market Intelligence Score: 68
Day Percent Change: 0.48%    
Day Change: 1.57
Week Change: 1.41%    
Year-to-date Change: 19.3%
ZBRA Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Qorvo, Inc.QRVO Qorvo, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Broad Line
MarketCap: 9524.32 Millions
Recent Price: 122.01    
Market Intelligence Score: 51
Day Percent Change: 2.81%    
Day Change: 3.34
Week Change: 0.17%    
Year-to-date Change: 8.4%
QRVO Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Peloton Interactive, Inc.PTON Peloton Interactive, Inc.
Sector: Consumer Staples
SubSector: Sporting Goods
MarketCap: 7282.44 Millions
Recent Price: 3.61    
Market Intelligence Score: 38
Day Percent Change: 4.49%    
Day Change: 0.15
Week Change: 0.42%    
Year-to-date Change: -40.8%
PTON Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Wix.com Ltd.WIX Wix.com Ltd.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Internet Information Providers
MarketCap: 5459.9 Millions
Recent Price: 155.81    
Market Intelligence Score: 41
Day Percent Change: 0.24%    
Day Change: 0.38
Week Change: -4.59%    
Year-to-date Change: 26.7%
WIX Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of ON Semiconductor CorporationON ON Semiconductor Corporation
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Semiconductor - Broad Line
MarketCap: 5183.82 Millions
Recent Price: 70.17    
Market Intelligence Score: 23
Day Percent Change: 3.89%    
Day Change: 2.63
Week Change: -3.25%    
Year-to-date Change: -16.0%
ON Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of Etsy, Inc.ETSY Etsy, Inc.
Sector: Services & Goods
SubSector: Specialty Retail, Other
MarketCap: 4263.24 Millions
Recent Price: 62.27    
Market Intelligence Score: 42
Day Percent Change: 3.04%    
Day Change: 1.84
Week Change: -0.78%    
Year-to-date Change: -23.2%
ETSY Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of AppFolio, Inc.APPF AppFolio, Inc.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Application Software
MarketCap: 3412.02 Millions
Recent Price: 230.95    
Market Intelligence Score: 51
Day Percent Change: -10.85%    
Day Change: -28.12
Week Change: -12.19%    
Year-to-date Change: 33.3%
APPF Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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Stock Chart of CyberArk Software Ltd.CYBR CyberArk Software Ltd.
Sector: Technology
SubSector: Business Software & Services
MarketCap: 3223.58 Millions
Recent Price: 257.68    
Market Intelligence Score: 26
Day Percent Change: 0.32%    
Day Change: 0.82
Week Change: -0.75%    
Year-to-date Change: 17.6%
CYBR Links: Profile   News     Message Board
Charts:- Daily  , Weekly
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