
Am I Diversified ?

First of all this is an educational tool to learn about portfolio analysis & diversification and how to diversify one's portfolio in order to mitigate risk and have high performance portfolio. It is NOT an investment planning tool as we know little about your personal investing goals. Here is an example result of this portfolio analysis tool - Warren Buffett 2018 Stock Portfolio Analysis ➞

Enter composition of your portfolio or your list of stocks to get our portfolio diversification analysis in three easy steps. First, add stock to your portfolio (real or fictional) by entering stock ticker symbol. Second, provide either the amount invested OR the number of shares you hold in each stock - then click "Add Stock" button to add each stock to the list. Third, AFTER adding all your stocks to the portfolio list, click "Analyze Portfolio" button.

Tip: if you want to add other investments like crypto currencies, penny stocks. gold coins, real estate - then just add your own made up stock ticker (e.g. 'MyBitcoin') and add amount invested in it. That's it. Let's go!

My Portfolio List of Stocks
Id Stock Ticker Price Amount Invested Number of Shares


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