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Transports Stocks Trends Browser

UNP - Union Pacific

Previous Stock
Long Term Trend: Very Good
Medium Term Trend: Very Good
Short Term Trend: Good
Trend Score: 71 / 100
YTD Performance: -2.14%

*Trends only for education
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UNP - Weekly & Daily Technical Charts
UNP - Technical Opinion
July 27, 2024 - All trends (long term, mid-term and short term) for Union Pacific looks good.

The overall market intelligence score is 71 (measures stock trend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) which puts UNP in short term neutral to bullish trend.

The market intelligence score from previous trading session is 38 and hence a significant improvement of trend.
UNP Performance Review
Name: Union Pacific
Sector: Transports
SubSector: Railroads
Recent Price: 240.36    
MarketCap: 87198.1 Millions
Day Percent Change: 2.13%
Day Change: 5.01
Week Change: -0.81%
Year-to-date Change: -2.14%
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