
Best Europe Stocks

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On this page, you will find the most comprehensive analysis of European stocks and ETFs - from latest trends to performances to charts ➞. First, here are the year-to-date (YTD) performances of the most requested Europe stocks at 12Stocks.com (click stock for review):

In a hurry? Europe Stocks Lists: Performance Trends Table, Stock Charts
Sort Europe stocks: Daily, Weekly, Year-to-Date, Market Cap & Trends.
Filter Europe stocks list by sector: Show all, Tech, Finance, Energy, Staples, Retail, Industrial, Materials, Utilities and HealthCare
Filter Europe stocks list by size:All Europe Large Medium Small and MicroCap

12Stocks.com: Top Performing Europe Index Stocks
Hot Europe Stocks of 2024 We try to spot trends by analyzing the performances of various stocks or components within Europe Index and try to find best performing stocks. The movers and shakers. The winners and losers.

The top performing Europe Index stocks year to date are
View complete list of Europe stocks by year-to-date performance

Now, more recently, over last week, the top performing Europe Index stocks on the move are
View complete list of Europe stocks by weekly performance

Unfortunately not all Europe stocks have done well this year. Investors of these stocks hope they have seen the worst and hope that these stocks are set to bounce back. The bearish stocks in this index year to date (YTD) are
Investors can get enhanced performance by riding the current stock trends. Using complex algorithms, 12Stocks.com has come up with Smart Investing & Trading Scores (on 0-bearish to 100-bullish scale) to identify best trending stocks. Top trending Europe stocks are
View complete list of Europe stocks by 12Stocks.com trends

12Stocks.com: Investing in Europe Index with Stocks
The following table helps investors and traders sort through current performance and trends (as measured by Smart Investing & Trading Score) of various stocks in the Europe Index.

Quick View: Move mouse or cursor over stock symbol (ticker) to view short-term technical chart and over stock name to view long term chart. Click on to add stock symbol to your watchlist and to view watchlist. Click on any ticker or stock name for detailed market intelligence report for that stock.