Daily Stock Market Analysis

  Stock Market Trend
How is the stock market doing?
July 27, 2024 - The overall stock market year to date is up 13.69% and weekly change is down -0.51%. Although long term trend for overall stock market looks good, the mid term and short term trends are faltering.

The overall Smart Investing & Trading Score (measures current stock trend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) is 31 which puts US stock market in short term bearish to neutral trend. The trend score from previous trading session is 53 and a deterioration of trend continues.

Current trends of some popular stocks?
Here are the Smart Investing & Trading Score (measures current stock uptrend from 0-bearish to 100-bullish) of the most requested stocks at 12Stocks.com (click stock for review):

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How are key market sectors doing?
Shown below are the 12Stocks.com trend scores (out of 100) for key stock market sectors along with trend directions. Dig deeper by clicking market segment below:

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Which Stock Market Segment Has
Best Performance In 2024 ?
Best Performing Stocks Today
Click Market Segment For Comprehensive Review
 Market Year To Date Performance: 14.54 %
 Weekly Performance: -0.83 %
 Daily Performance: 1.12 %
 Technical Trend Score: 41
Trend Score : 0(bearish) to 100(bullish). Updated daily. Not to be used for investing.
Long Term Trend: Good
Medium Term Trend: Not Good
Short Term Trend: Not Good
 US Mid Cap: 1.72%
 US Small Cap: 1.65%
 Dow Jones: 1.62%
 Europe: 1.35%
 US Total Market 1.20%
 S&P 500: 1.12%
 Gold: 1.05%
 Emerging Mkts: 1.03%
 Nasdaq-100: 1.03%
 China: 0.51%
 Bonds: 0.40%
 Euro: 0.03%
 US Dollar: -0.07%
 US Oil: -1.74%

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  The Big Picture: Best Performing Stocks

Which are the best performing stocks this year? Which stocks are performing better recently?

The Hot Stocks of 2024.

Here, in this section, we quickly review the best performing stocks year to date. Then, we take a deep dive into today's stock market for best investing opportunities.

First, let us take a look at the top performers year to date in the S&P 100 index (this contains most popular and commonly held US stocks). The top leaders so far this year are (click on stock name for detailed analysis)
NVIDIA [128%] Eli Lilly[38%] General Electric[33%]
Walmart [33%] Oracle [32%] Meta Platforms[32%]
American Express[31%] Netflix [30%] Goldman Sachs[29%]
Citi [27%] Bank of New York[26%] Altria [25%]
JPMorgan Chase[25%] Colgate-Palmolive [25%] QUALCOMM [24%]
Costco Wholesale[24%] Bank of America[24%] General Motors[23%]
Wells Fargo[23%] NextEra Energy[22%] Philip Morris[20%]
Amazon.com [20%] Emerson Electric[20%] Google [20%]

Among the technology heavy Nasdaq 100 index, the leaders so far this year are
NVIDIA [128%] Constellation Energy[49%] KLA [35%]
Meta Platforms[32%] Intuitive Surgical[31%] Netflix [30%]
Diamondback Energy[29%] Trade Desk[28%] ProShares UltraPro[28%]
Micron [28%] Applied Materials[27%] Cintas [26%]
QUALCOMM [24%] Costco Wholesale[24%] Regeneron [23%]
Moderna [23%] Vertex [22%] Amazon.com [20%]

The large cap stock leaders this week are
3M [22%] Bristol-Myers [18%] Charter [15%]
Thermo Fisher[14%] Danaher [12%] Lockheed Martin[11%]
Sirius XM[9%] ProShares UltraPro[8%] AbbVie [7%]
Walgreens Boots[7%] Charles Schwab[7%] General Electric[7%]
O Reilly[6%] Gilead [6%] salesforce.com [6%]
Philip Morris[6%] CoStar [6%] Illumina [5%]
Baker Hughes[5%] IBM [5%] Bank of New York[4%]
Boeing [4%] Johnson & Johnson[4%] Old Dominion[4%]

    Overview of Current Investing Landscape

How is the overall stock market doing? Which segments of the market are performing or trending better currently?

US Stock Market performance
Year-to-Date: 14.54%
Our daily stock analysis is focused on identifying profitable investing and trading opportunities in today's stock market.

Let us take a look at how major US stock indexes (Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, S&P 100, Mid Cap, Small Cap), Global Markets (Europe, Emerging Markets - China, India, Latin America) and other asset classes like Bonds, Gold, Oil and ForEx are performing to get a perspective of relative performances and identify best performing asset classes to invest or trade in.

Year to date, the list of various market asset classes in the order of performances  -
Gold [15%] US Large Cap [15%] Oil [14%]
Nasdaq 100 [13%] US Small Cap [12%] US Mid Cap [11%]
US Dollar [6%] China [6%] Emerging Markets [5%]
Europe [5%] Bonds [-1%] Euro [-2%]

Over the short term (this week so far), the list of various market segments in the order of performances  -
US Small Cap [3.4%] US Mid Cap [2%] Europe [0.7%]
Bonds [0.3%] US Dollar [0%] Euro [-0.2%]
Gold [-0.5%] US Large Cap [-0.8%] Emerging Markets [-0.9%]
China [-1.2%] Oil [-2.4%]

In a glance, the year-to-date (YTD) performances & comparisons of major asset classes:

    Top Performing Sectors

Since best performing stocks can be mostly found in best performing sectors, which sectors are doing great currently?

Most stocks, if not all, move in the same direction as their sector (energy, tech, etc). Sector analysis helps in identifying current trends and identify best investing opportunities. One can invest in  individual stocks in a particular sector or invest in exchange traded funds that track various sectors and sub-sectors.

The performance of major sectors year to date are :
Semiconductors [37%] Housing [22%] Financials [15%]
Utilities [12%] Technology [12%] Industrials [11%]
Energy [10%] Healthcare [10%] Biotech [9%]
Staples [9%] Oil Services [8%] Materials [7%]
Retail [7%] REITs [2%] Retail/Services [2%]
Transport [-1%]

Now, let us see how the major sectors are faring recently (this week so far) -
Housing [4.3%] Biotech [2.9%] Retail [2.1%]
Oil Services [1.6%] Utilities [1.5%] Healthcare [1.4%]
Materials [1.4%] Financials [1.3%] Industrials [1.2%]
REITs [0.6%] Staples [0.5%] Energy [-0.2%]
Transport [-1.7%] Technology [-2.1%] Retail/Services [-2.8%]
Semiconductors [-3.2%]

In a glance, the year-to-date (YTD) performances of various sectors:

    Global Investing with Stocks & ETFs

How are the global markets doing? Which countries or regional stock markets are performing or trending better currently?

US investors can now easily invest across the world using stocks and exchange traded funds.

The global investing world can be segmented into Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe.

Another way to look at it from investing point of view is - Developed Markets and Emerging Markets. Emerging markets like China, Brazil & India provide some of the best investing growth opportunities today.

Year to date performances of major global exchange traded funds that invest in international markets:-
Taiwan [13%] United Kingdom [9%] Japan [7%]
China [6%] Total Market Ex-US [6%] Germany [5%]
Developed Markets [5%] Emerging Markets [5%] Europe [5%]
South Africa [5%] Canada [5%] Asia-Pacific [4%]
Australia [1%] Korea [-1%] France [-1%]
Latin America [-14%] Mexico [-17%] Brazil [-21%]

Let us look at recent (this week so far) performance and trends of major global ETFs :-
United Kingdom [1.4%] Germany [1.4%] South Africa [1.4%]
Europe [0.7%] France [0.2%] Canada [-0.1%]
Developed Markets [-0.2%] Total Market Ex-US [-0.3%] Korea [-0.3%]
Emerging Markets [-0.9%] Brazil [-0.9%] Australia [-1.1%]
China [-1.2%] Asia-Pacific [-1.2%] Japan [-1.8%]
Taiwan [-1.9%] Latin America [-2.5%] Mexico [-3.4%]

In a glance, the year-to-date performances of major global markets:

    Commodities Daily Investing & Trading 

How are various commodities doing? Which commodities are performing or trending better currently? How to invest in commodities using stocks or ETF funds?

It is now possible for stock market investors to participate in commodities markets (Energy, Materials - metals including gold & silver, Agricultural & Livestock).

One can implicitly participate by buying stocks of companies involved in commodity business. Or now, one can explicitly buy exchange traded funds (ETF) that track specific commodities like oil, gold and silver. 

Now, let us see how the major commodities are faring year to date. The commodity trackers performances year to date -
Natural Gas [166%] Gold Miners [18%] Silver [17%]
Gold [15%] Agriculture [15%] Oil [14%]
Energy [10%] Gasoline [9%] Nuclear [8%]
Oil Services [8%] Copper [7%] Materials [4%]
Agribusiness [-5%] Steel [-5%] Solar [-20%]
Clean Energy [-26%]

The commodity trackers performances this week -
Solar [3%] Steel [3%] Oil Services [2%]
Clean Energy [1%] Agriculture [1%] Agribusiness [1%]
Materials [1%] Energy [-0%] Gasoline [-0%]
Gold [-1%] Nuclear [-2%] Oil [-2%]
Gold Miners [-2%] Copper [-3%] Silver [-5%]
Natural Gas [-6%]

In a glance, a quick overview of year-to-date performances of major commodities:

     Best Performing Stocks of 2024 Across Global Stock Markets

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